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We have 8,792 titles with 3,584,838 pages + finding guides for 31,594 offsite microfilm reels with 33,660,782 pages.
In July, 2012, we served 10,407 visitors with 163,886 pages viewed ( 262,924 hits ).
In July, 2015, we served 3,890 visitors with 131,084 pages viewed ( 223,194 hits ).
In July, 2019, we served 3,267 visitors with 124,773 pages viewed ( 209,078 hits ).
In July, 2020, we served 3,103 visitors with 126,263 pages viewed ( 212,765 hits ).
In July, 2022, we served 2,372 visitors with 55,166 pages viewed ( 96,830 hits ).
In July, 2023, we served 2,408 visitors with 66,850 pages viewed ( 112,156 hits ).
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- - - - - SEARCH POINTERS - - - - -
The Search Requires Internet Access.
The site search is very flexible. It searches a whole page at at time. So if you're looking for the Stewart family in Allegheny County, try "Allegheny" AND "Stewart".
It includes a proximity search, e.g. within 3 words and several types of wild cards. So if you're looking for John Stewart, try "John Stewart" or "John" within 1 word "Stewart".
Here are the wild cards:
"." is a wild card which matches any character.
"," is a wild card which matches any letter or number but not space.
"*" is a wild card which matches 0 or more of the character which precedes it
"[xyz]" is a wild card expression which matches x or y or z
"abc|123" is a wild card expression which match "abc" or "123".
"^" is a wild card which means "NOT" what follows, e.g. [^ab] matches everything but a and b.
Search Limitations
The search ignores CASE.
The search only lists 35 pages at a time from each book.
For questions, please contact Lookups -AT- DonsList
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On each page in the main viewing window there is a link to the NEXT and PREVIOUS pages. Right-click on either of these links. You will see a menu in which one of the choices is to open the link in a new window or in a new tab. Use one of those. Now you will see just the page image with the NEXT/PREVIOUS buttons in its own window or tab. It will also work with the page links shown in the Left Pane.
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